Friday, November 27, 2009

All Existence as Co-Existence : Jeevan Vidya

The basic meaning of the word 'Existence'  is 'to be in harmony with whatever exists.' We can understand the word 'Existence'  as denoting two words:  Exist and Essence. 'Exist' means 'to be' , while 'Essence' means 'Harmony'. All entities in Existence are energized in Co-Existence itself. Energized Nature is a marvellous expression of Co-Existence. We can realize Humanness only with mentality of Co-Existence.
Existence is an eternal Truth.There's no increase or decrease in Existence. What is the evidence of this? Whatever is there before us is active presence. Existence is Nature saturated in Space.Ever-Presence of Existence is not going to be annihilated ever. Whole Existence is Orderliness. Understanding Co-Existence  itself is ultimate Truth. Trusting in the Ever-Presence  of Existence itself is Happiness. Wait for the next blog. Keep in touch. Specially useful for UPTU students.

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