Thursday, April 22, 2010

Model Questions for UPTU paper,Human Values & Prof. Ethics

Q4. Choose the correct alternative in each :
i.The need of 'I' is happiness, trust, respect etc. and is physical/spiritual in nature.
ii. The needs of the Body like food, clothing, shelter etc. are eternal/temporary.
iii. If I have lots of physical facilities, but do not have the right understanding, I will be happy/unhappy.
iv. Underestanding, desiring, analyzing, imagining, choosing - are activities that take place in the Self/Body.
v. Activities involving only the Body are the material/immaterial activities,
vi. I am the seer, I am the doer/non-doer and I am the enjoyer.
vii.If our desires, thoughts and expectations are based on pre-conditionings, we are generally in a state of great certainty/uncertainty.
viii. Affection comes when I recognoze that we both want to make each other happy and both of us are dissimilar/similar.
ix. The feeling of accepting the excellence/mediocrity in the other is called reverence.
x. Gratitude is the feeling of rejection/acceptance for those who have made effort for my excellence.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Model Questions for UPTU paper on Human Values and Prof. Ethics

Q.3. Select the right word from the alternatives given in each sentence:
i. Activities of imaging (desire) , analyzing (thought) and selecting or tasting (expectation), are constantly/intermittently taking place in 'I'.
ii. If our desires are being set either by a pre-conditioning or by some sensation from the body, we are enslaved/free.
iii. The basic cause of our unhappiness is that our imagination is in harmony/conflict with our natural acceptance.
iv. There is self-organisation in my activities, leading to continuity of misery/happiness.
v. Sanyam or self-regulation means the feeeling of responsibility in the Self ('I') for nurturing, protection and right/wrong utilization of the body.
vi. Swasthya or Health is the harmonious condition of the Body where every part of the Body is performing/avoiding its expected function
vii. There is a strong coupling/separation between 'I' and the Vody.
viii. Sanyam is vital for the Swasthya and needs to be given no/due priority.
ix. Whenever there is pain in any part of the Body, it is a signal of some disorder/order which needs to be properly attended to.
x. Labour means employing/rejecting the body physically for production and maintenance of physical facilities.
xi. We tend to go for medication in place of ensuring/rejecting the health of the Body.
xii. The Self ('I') has feelings in a relationship which are denite/indefinite.
xiii. The family exists naturally as a part of the social web of interdependence/isolation.
xiv. The feelings in relationship are between 'I' and 'I'/Body.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Model Questions for UPTU paper on Human Values & Prof. Ethics

Q.2. Mention TRUE or FALSE against each of the following:
i. Value education deals with what is universally valuable to all of us.(True/False)
ii. Value education enables us to be in disharmony within ourselves and with other human beings.
iii. There is an essential complementarity between values and skills for the success of any human endeavour.
iv. Living our lives based only on beliefs can ensure happiness for us.
v. Both the structure and use of technology are decided by values,
vi. Value education has to be a set of sermons or do's and don'ts.
vii. Self-exploration is a process of identifying our Innateness and moving towards self-organisation and self-expression.
viii. Natural acceptance changes with time.
ix. Natural acceptance does not depend on our beliefs or past conditionings.
x. Prosperity means having more than required physical facilties.
xi. Continuous prosperity and happiness are our basic aspirations
xii. To develop from animal consciousness to human consciousness is not transformation.
xiii. Right understanding means understanding the harmony at all the four levels of our living- myself, family, society nature/existence.
xiv. The needs of the Body and the SElf are fundamentally similar.
xv. A human being is a co-existence of of the Body and Jivana (Self or I)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Model Questions for UPTU exam. in Human Values & Professional Ethics

Q.1. Fill in the blanks: (continued):
xxi. Gratitude is the feeling of acceptance for those who have made effort for my ___________.
xxii. _________is the feeling of being related to all, to every unit in existence, the entire existence.
xxiii. It is called __________when you help to bring the other to your elevated level.
xxiv. It is called __________when you hinder or prevent the other from reaching to or attaining your level.
xxv.Education means to ________harmony at all the four levels, that is, right from the self to the whole existence.
xxvi. Sanskar means to live in _________at all the four levels- from self to the whole existence.
xxvii. Labour that human beings perform on the Rest of Nature is called __________.
xxviii. Things obtained from work are called _________.
xxix. Sharing the produce for mutual fulfilment and not fot the madness of profit is called __________.
xxx. Material order is one of the four orders of Nature, which includes __________things like soil, water and air.
xxxi. _______Pranic order is is one of the four orders of Nature, which includes planrs, animal bodies and human bodies.
xxxii. _______order is one of the four orders of Nature, including animals and birds.
xxxiii. Human order is one of the four orders of Nature , which includes ________ beings.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Model Questions for UPTU Paper on HVPE

Q.1. (Continued) Fill in the blanks:
xi. ___________is the recognition of values in relationship, fulfilment and right evaluation.
xii. Universal _________ Order means the 'feeling of being related to every unit.'
xiii. ___________Society is that where we are able to ensure synergetic living with plants, animals, air, water, soil and every other unit.
xiv. __________ is the assurance that the other human being wants to make me happy and prosperous always with correct intention.
xv.The right evaluation of 'I' as it is is called__________.
xvi. Affection is the feeling of acceptance of the other as one's _________.
xvii. _________ is the feeling of responsibility of nurturing and protecting the body of the relative.
xviii. The feeling of ensuring right understanding and feeling in the 'I' of the relative is called ___________.
xix. Reverence is the feeling of acceptance for the _________, that is , understanding of harmony and living in that harmony at all the six levels.
xx. _______ is the feeling for those who have made effort for Excellence.

Model Questions for UPTU exam in Human Values & Professional Ethics

Q.1. Fill in the blanks:
i. The subject which enables us to understand 'What is valuable' for human happiness is called ___________
ii. ________ is a process of dialogue between 'what you are' and 'what you really want to be'.
iii. ________is to be in a state of liking, in which there is harmony or synergy.
iv The feeling of having more than required physical facilities is called _________.
v. Working only for physical facilities means living with ________ consciousness.
vi. Right understanding, relationship and physical facilities make us live with ________consciousness.
vii. The feeling of responsibility in 'I' towards the 'Body' for its nurture, protection and right utilizsation  is called ___________.
viii. __________ means when the 'Body' acts according to 'I', nad there is harmony in the body.
ix. The feelings or emotions in relationship are the ________ in relationship.
x. The nine values in relationship are Trust, Respect, Affection, Care or Me-Ness, Guidance, Reverence, Glory, Gratitude and ________.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Values are the Meaning of our Lives

Values in 'I' or 'Self' or 'Jivan' are:
1. Happiness (Sukh): Definiteness of Expectation (Selecting/Tasting) based on definiteness of Thought manifests as Happiness.
2. Peace (Shanti): Definiteness of Thought based on definiteness of Desire manifests as Peace.
3. Satisfaction (Santosh): Definiteness of Desire based on Understanding manifests as Satisfaction.
Bliss (Ananda): Understanding based on Realization manifests as Bliss

A person's participation in universal human order yields the following values:
Perseverance, Bravery, Generosity, Kindness, Beneficence, Compassion
(to be continued)

Friday, April 9, 2010

competence in professional ethics

Competence may not appear to be an ethical value, but in fact engineers and other professionals have a number of important ethical duties that embrace 'competence'. As a professional you have a duty to maintain your competence in your particular field. This means
*keeping up to date with technological development
*deepening and broadening your knowledge through continuing professional development
This is an ethic because it ensures that you can be relied upon to deliver work to a HIGH STANDARD, and so preserve public interest in your profession
The only effective way to ensure professional ethics is through correct appraisal and systematic development of ethical competence.
The first competence in professional ethics is confidence in oneself, which means confidence in the innate Harmony and co-existence in all existence.  Competence is a product of self-esteem and confidence based on the skill and capability to do something.     (to be continued)