Sunday, April 18, 2010

Model Questions for UPTU exam. in Human Values & Professional Ethics

Q.1. Fill in the blanks: (continued):
xxi. Gratitude is the feeling of acceptance for those who have made effort for my ___________.
xxii. _________is the feeling of being related to all, to every unit in existence, the entire existence.
xxiii. It is called __________when you help to bring the other to your elevated level.
xxiv. It is called __________when you hinder or prevent the other from reaching to or attaining your level.
xxv.Education means to ________harmony at all the four levels, that is, right from the self to the whole existence.
xxvi. Sanskar means to live in _________at all the four levels- from self to the whole existence.
xxvii. Labour that human beings perform on the Rest of Nature is called __________.
xxviii. Things obtained from work are called _________.
xxix. Sharing the produce for mutual fulfilment and not fot the madness of profit is called __________.
xxx. Material order is one of the four orders of Nature, which includes __________things like soil, water and air.
xxxi. _______Pranic order is is one of the four orders of Nature, which includes planrs, animal bodies and human bodies.
xxxii. _______order is one of the four orders of Nature, including animals and birds.
xxxiii. Human order is one of the four orders of Nature , which includes ________ beings.

1 comment:

  1. Keep reading this blog for sure success in your exams. Best luck! - Prof. Bhagwat S. Goyal
